Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Temporary home

My favorite blogger, Beverly from "A Baby...Maybe", posted a beautiful, to the point post last night comparing her current state of employment and working mommy-hood t0 the Carrie Underwood song "Temporary Home". The lyrics are painfully true to how I feel about leaving Ellie every day to go to a job that is just miserable. I half-joke when I say when asked what I do that I "try to sell things that don't matter to people that don't care". Booo...feeling pretty down lately. I know that I have to keep pushing through, probably at least until Mark gets a new job, but every time I get her out of her crib in the morning and she snuggles into my neck I have to stop myself from choking up. I just hate leaving her.

"This is my temporary home
It's not where I belong
Windows and rooms that I'm passin' through
This is just a stop, on the way to where I'm going
I'm not afraid because I know this is my
Temporary Home."

Friday, March 12, 2010

Walk thru

Well, we had our walk thru this morning with Randy. It went pretty well. There were only a few items to address....they installed the wrong shower door in the master bath, the fire place wasn't working and there were a few minor scratches on the wood floors. They also tried to schedule a closing with us for Monday, March 22nd. We'll see if that actually happens...I'm pretty skeptical at this point. We're still waiting for a call from our lawyer to see if they will actually be able to legally close and give us some guarantees as far as our home warranties go. It would be so nice to get this all wrapped up and actually start living our lives like normal again...in a brand new, beautiful home that we love every square inch of! It did look awesome! :) The other issue I'm struggling with is really wanting to be able to leave my job after we close and SAH with Ellie. Financially, I really don't think this can be a reality until Mark gets a new job and who knows when that will happen. We just don't have enough in savings to warrant me quitting very soon. Not to mention we have two good sized car loans and some expensive things coming up...Erin's wedding in Jamaica (probably need at least $3,000), wanting to put in a fence (around $8,000), and saving up for the birth of our next child (about $11,000 including saving up to start an ESA for both the new kid and Ellie).

We'll get it all figured out though. I just may be spending more time away from the little one than I would like. I really shouldn't be boo whooing though. We are in a much better place than a lot of people....even a lot of our friends. I always seem to be needing to remind myself to be thankful for what we have and not dwell on what we don't.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

In limbo

So there really isn't any updates except they DID file for chapter 11. Still no real idea on what that really means for us. Our lawyer has not been able to get a hold of anyone at the builder's office. We have not been contacted to set up a closing date or a walk-thru date though so it doesn't look good for them trying to close us next week. That is actually fine with me. Another day living with the IL's is another day my dogs aren't out in our muddy backyard. I honestly just hope that everything works out....we close on our home and they keep building. I just hope we have neighbors before Ellie goes to college.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Are you FREAKING kidding me???

So we found out on Friday night that the new construction home we are supposed to be closing on March 5th is in limbo. The builder is apparently in all kinds of financial do-do and could be facing bankruptcy. We are in a "wait and see" state right now. I have a call into my lawyer to see what she has to say after she looks over the contract we signed with them. I love the house we built but I'm really apprehensive about closing on a home in a community that could potentially never be finished. Talk about being knocked off the happy horse.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Just say "No" to Starbucks

It's Ash Wednesday and I've decided to give up "convenience foods" for Lent. That means no stopping for coffee and no stopping for food of any kind. I will, however, eat out at a restaurant or eat a pizza if Mark wants to order one but I'm not spending money on food during the week. I have wasted entirely too much cash this way since returning to work after having Ellie. No more taking the easy way out. I'll be forced to plan, save money, and hopefully help my waistline in the process. Win, win, win!

On the house front, Mark went by this week and it looks like almost everything is done. Can't wait to move in and get settled. After living like nomads for the last 6 months you really start to appreciate having your own space with your own "stuff". Hopefully another move won't be too much for the doggies, or Ellie, to handle. 16 days until we close and 23 days until me move. I'm sure it will go fast but it still seems like a long time to go.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

First post

Day one....February 16, 2010. Is it time to retire yet?